Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beginnings of Bloggdom

Hello world! This is my introduction into the popular world of blogging. You might ask yourself: Why did it take you SO long to get into this? Or you might ask: Why should I read what you write? You could even ask:  Why is it when you transport something by car it's called a shipment but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo? These are all valid questions. I can give you one valid answer. Stop asking so many questions, so I can write already. My name is Isaiah. If you didn't figure that out from the Blog title then you're probably illiterate and this blog won't do you any good. I'm an elementary teacher, but I love to write. At the moment I have a chapter book series that is in the review process at HarperCollins... Fingers crossed! (Crossing fingers makes it hard to type but it's worth it). I'm also working on some other book projects. Some are scary, some are adventurous, but mostly I like to make people laugh. That is the reason I started this blog. I have had SO many embarrassing things happen to me that I would be doing a disservice to the world if they weren't spread throughout the interweb. Seriously, I want you to laugh at my discomfort, giggle at my pain, and roll on the floor from my awkward existence. On a regular basis, I will be posting stories, and the occasional funny poem, that are 100% true and not fabricated. From time to time I might switch it up, but I have so many stories to share they will take up most of the blog. Please sit back and enjoy.

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